Photography by The Modern House
HESKETH HAYDEN, founded by Anna and Russel in 2016, is based in south Manchester. Our key area of expertise is adapting existing buildings in the most creative and sustainable way to make them both more efficient and more resilient.
Our combined experience is considerable, and allows us to offer architectural, Passivhaus design and consultancy services for small-to-medium sized projects across a range of building types. Vital to our success is the level of service we offer, never compromised whatever the project. We enjoy working with like-minded clients who share our values of quality and caring deeply for the environment.
We believe that the design and build process can be enjoyable; our approach is driven by creativity but is nevertheless methodical and pragmatic to ensure designs are buildable and offer best value.
We have experienced the design and build process as architects, client and self-builder giving us both the theoretical and practical knowledge and experience that allows us to fully appreciate the benefits of this approach, both for the planet and our own well-being.
Architect & Project Manager
Anna’s extensive knowledge and expertise are multi-faceted. Not only can she apply clear and rigorous logic to complex construction situations, but she also has a keen eye for good design, whether it be organising spaces or choosing fabrics. Her common sense approach often unlocks design and contractual solutions with enviable pragmatism.
Her background, firstly in London with Stanton Williams delivering impeccable, high design buildings and exhibition installations and subsequently working client side with the Science Museum Group in Manchester has given Anna a fresh and different perspective on architecture and the challenges the industry faces. Her experience is broad, encompassing high profile, cultural projects and complex, sustainable projects in Listed buildings.
The move north, in 2016, provided the opportunity to develop her growing interest in health matters with the deep retrofit of her own home. The realisation that well-being and architecture are so intertwined now manifests itself in all her projects, with a clear focus on considered, sustainable and healthy solutions.
Her passion for Passivhaus has grown from this approach and is now developing into a more strategic understanding of the relatively unquantifiable benefits of ultra-comfortable environments.
In her spare time she will be found in the Pilates studio, discovering new and more healthy products (both architectural and domestic) or walking her chocolate Labrador.
Key areas of expertise:
- Architecture
- Project management and direction
- Creative reuse
- Interiors & joinery design -
Architect & Certified Passivhaus Designer
Russel is a leading expert in sustainable design and construction. He is passionate about how carefully constructed and detailed buildings – whether new build or retrofit – can be transformative for its occupants and have wider benefits to the environment.
Russel is an experienced architect and Passivhaus Designer having worked for high-profile architecture practices in London on multiple prestigious sustainability projects. He has a calm, clear and considerate manner and listens carefully to his client’s needs.
In 2016, he relocated to Manchester and founded Hesketh Hayden by carrying out a deep retrofit to his own house – taking a neglected 1960s house to Passivhaus standards. This design and self-build experience reinforced his belief of how transformative Passivhaus can be and taught him much about the need for careful construction and detailing, as well as practical project management, construction sequencing and cost management skills. However, the real transformation has been living in a Passsivhaus with his family – the comfort, health and wellbeing benefits have been felt first hand. He now strongly believes this is the best way to build.
Russel has spoken widely about sustainable design to many organisations including The Modern House and AECB.
In his spare time, he can be found building cedar strip canoes, baking or doing triathlons.
Russel is an active member of RIBA, ARB, AECB, ASBP and The Passivhaus Trust
Key areas of expertise:
- Architecture
- Passivhaus Design
- Technical design
- Sustainable construction
Whether it’s a new building or updating and extending an existing building, we approach each project with an open mind and enthusiasm.
We are very aware how well-being and happiness are directly affected and shaped by our surroundings, and work hard to create considered and beautiful spaces through careful selection of products, materials and lighting.
We strive to create architecture that belongs and is sensitive to its context and surroundings. We love developing the plan form and intricacies of the section, and have a keen eye for proportion, light and the spaces between buildings.
Projects develop a rigorous simplicity and elegance, both spatially and materially, through interrogation of their essence and what is most valued. We aim for calm, order and timelessness, intrinsic qualities that contribute to the richness of the final design.
We enjoy making and reusing things. We are passionate about quality and craftsmanship. This is important for any construction work to ensure longevity, and in particular for Passivhaus projects as its holistic approach relies on accuracy and thoroughness to ensure the building will perform as designed.
Above all, like most people, we are acutely aware of the growing urgency to minimise the use of fossil fuels. As building designers we are very well placed to do our bit; we understand how existing structures, room layouts and material choices can all impact on thermal efficiency, overheating and comfort.
The Passivhaus concept is intrinsically simple and results in a workplace or home that is exceptionally comfortable which is warm in winter and sufficiently cool in summer. It is an approach we have experienced first-hand having built and lived in a Passivhaus and therefore know first-hand how transformative it can be.
The approach is based on an objective scientific method using energy-related targets to define a framework. The targets can be met in numerous ways allowing ample scope for design creativity.
The energy consumption in a Passivhaus is reduced to such a level that hardly any heating is required in winter; most of the demand can be covered by passive heat sources, such as the sun, the occupants and household appliances.
The biggest passive contribution is made by the thermal insulation of the building, maintaining warmth during cooler months and reducing heat gains inside the building in the summer. The only technical equipment necessary is limited to the active ventilation of the interior spaces.
Passivhaus is a holistic approach that delivers high levels of comfort, not possible with more traditional building techniques. The main components of a Passivhaus include:
1. Very high levels of insulation
2. Extremely high-performance windows, doors and rooflights with insulated frames
3. Airtight building fabric
4. 'Thermal bridge free' construction (avoiding routes through the highly insulated construction which can transmit cold and draughts)
5. A mechanical ventilation system with highly efficient heat recovery – typically a Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery unit (MVHR)
The first four of these are completely passive, meaning that once they have been installed, they do their job with little or no maintenance. The fifth principle – the MVHR – recovers heat and reuses it to warm the filtered fresh air coming in, within minimal running costs.
Full Passivhaus certification (or EnerPHit for retrofitting existing buildings) doesn’t suit every project or budget but it makes so much sense that we aim to adopt the principles when we can.
The Passivhaus concept was originally developed from a desire to provide an ideal comfortable and healthy indoor environment.
For a person to feel comfortable, the temperature and humidity levels must be within a certain range and balanced throughout the space and day. The comfortable and stable temperatures, lack of draughts, warm surfaces and maintained supply of filtered, fresh air collectively make for an environment that provides unbeatable comfort and freshness.
There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence recording some of the benefits of living, working or studying in a Passivhaus and in our experience these include:
- Sleep: significantly deeper and consistent sleep patterns resulting in vivid dreams and less disturbance. Triple-glazed windows help reduce external noise, and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) maintains low levels of CO2.
- Air quality: the MVHR filters out air pollution from outside and delivers the right levels of CO2/ oxygen, and at the right temperature. The continuous supply and extraction of air to and from the rooms results in noticeably less dust (and spiders) as a result. Any odours, moisture and irritants are efficiently removed from kitchens and bathrooms.
- Allergies and asthma are just two health problems known to be increasing due to higher levels of pollution, as more typical homes become better insulated and more airtight. The MVHR scores again in maintaining an effective balance of fresh, filtered air.
- Temperature: internal temperatures and relative humidity levels are stable throughout the year. This virtually eliminates mould or spores growing on internal damp surfaces.
- Draughts: thanks to triple-glazing and effective air-tight construction, draughts are all but eliminated. There are never draughts from the MVHR as it works silently and at low velocity.
Photography by Taran Wilkhu
We listen. The first step is to properly understand the circumstances for each project – the brief, the constraints, the site or building, the budget, programme etc.
We analyse. Working with you, the information is processed, options explored and proposals developed that are practical, sustainable and delightful.
We develop. With preferred solutions agreed, we help cost check, seek statutory approvals where required, provide technical information for construction, and are systematic, rigorous and careful throughout every stage of the project – giving advice at the right time in order to make timely decisions at each stage.